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St. Luke's Alar guild group lead by Coni Beth Auspurger; are an important part of taking care of the altar, the linens, chalices, hanging of the greens, and the flowers. 

Parish Life

Parish life is a community outreach ministry that reaches out to communities through several events, ladies tea, craft fair and book sale, pot lucks, game nights, and movie nights, plus, much, much more!

Women's of St. Luke's

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Women of St. Luke's headed by Mickey Walsh; is our group of ladies that get together and pray for our Church and members. On Thursday mornings you are welcome to come meet for Holy Eucharist service and to help with many other facets of the church.

Shelter Dinners

Giving of time and self in providing a helping hand to those in need

The First Tuesday of each month a group of volunteers cook and provide a hot meal to those in need. For 35 years St. Luke's has provided a hot meal to those who have a need. Lee Ann Henley and Coni Beth Augspurger both head up the planning and organizing of the meals throughout the year. Their selfless sacrifice is a gift to so many. 

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